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Wobble Eliminator™
Empowered Wealth is about...
... a way of being, a Mindset that empowers individuals, families, and organizations through Gratitude, True Wealth, and Leadership.  This assessment can give you an indication of how much you're already living with this Empowered Wealth Mindset.  It's important to realize that Empowered Wealth is a journey, an ongoing practice to become prosperous, to sustain that prosperity, and thrive... Our Wobble Eliminator™


Scorecard Steps:
"All progress begins by telling the truth."  - Dan Sullivan
The Scorecard will take about 10 minutes for you to complete.  Start with your name and email address and then continue to answer the 20 statements below.  Once we receive your answers, we will process your Scorecard ASAP.  Please allow up to 24 hours for us to process your answers and get back to you. 
with Gratitude,
The Empowered Wealth Team                                                               *designates a required field
Please read the following statements and choose the answer that best reflects the way you currently live your life.  Be very honest with yourself and check the response that best applies to you:


Please rate the following statements based on how true they are for you.  You'll get the most out of this assessment if you're very honest with yourself: